First Time Guests

The first space you enter into is the Welcome Center. Stop by the Welcome Table and grab additional information about College Park Christian Church and a small gift we have for you.

Don't forget to help yourself to the free coffee station! Alternate Grinning Face

Click below to view our Weekly Bulletin Newsletter

The Messenger - 2025 Edition (PDF Document)

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Welcome Message

Senior Minister, Brent Salm shares a short message that helps you learn about College Park Christian Church.

Child Check-in Station

Our Child Check-In Station is currently "under construction".

If this is your first visit, our friendly volunteers will ask you for some basic information about you and your child to ensure their safety. (Cell phone number, allergies, etc...) 

Infants 0-18mo: You will be directed to our Nursery.

18mo to 3 years: You will be directed to our Toddler Classrooms.

Pre-K through 5th grade: We have Children's Church at 9am or Children's Sunday School at 10:30am, you will be directed to our Youth Addition.